Where did the money come from to finance Bailey campaign?

Elect Homola and get the special interest groups out of the legislature


Enough, Barbara Bailey!

Since the beginning of the campaign season I have received one disgusting robocall, at least seven mail-outs and seen multiple TV ads all touting Bailey.

Question to the voters: Who has that kind of money in a local campaign? Where did it come from? Bailey can claim her campaign didn’t pay for all this, however, that’s just an excuse. She knows the majority of her funding comes from special interest groups — will we be paying these groups back through our tax dollars with a wink and a nod from Bailey?

Back in 2012, she did her first smear job against Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen when she identified Haugen’s age as a possible impediment to doing the job. Gosh, I think that’s a form of discrimination. That coming from a legislator is unconscionable, and should have made her quest for election disqualifying.

When I think about her accomplishments over her term, I think of education as she is a chairwoman of one of the education committees.

Where is her leadership when it comes to funding K-12? As a taxpayer, I resent having to be penalized by the courts because the Legislature failed to do the right thing.

I believe we have the opportunity to start doing the right thing by doing the only thing a voter can do — vote for Angie Homola.

Her involvement in politics began when she discovered a misappropriation of public funds. She felt so strongly about this she formed a grassroots nonprofit advocating for accountable government.

I know Angie is one of those people who can get the ball rolling. It’s time “we the people” elect our own senator and get rid of the special interest groups. It has to start now. It can start with Angie Homola.

Barbara Garnett

Camano Island