Willing to wear ‘good ol’ boy’ with pride | Letter

I have read with interest over the years the comments made by some during each election cycle regarding the “Good Ol’ Boy” club and how this organization would run our fair city if allowed to do so unchecked.


I have read with interest over the years the comments made by some during each election cycle regarding the “Good Ol’ Boy” club and how this organization would run our fair city if allowed to do so unchecked.

As a lifelong, fourth-generation resident, I am unclear what club these folks are referring to — I apparently have been missing the meetings — but it appears as though some eagerly assign individuals as members of this imaginary organization when they have lived here for a long time, gathered a large group of close friends, care deeply about our community and work diligently to make our town a better place to live.

This year’s election is no different.

We have a choice to put a person in a leadership role and will hopefully all make that decision upon what we each think will be best for the place where we raise our families and call home.

I personally put my support behind a man whom I know, through his past and present actions, truly cares about our town.

I have know Bob Severns for 20-plus years and have had the pleasure of working side by side with him on countless volunteer projects.

Bob has never once hesitated when asked to donate his time or other resources to help make Oak Harbor the community it is.

I also know personally that Bob’s motivation to lead our city comes directly from the heart and his love of our hometown.

I am proud to call Bob my longtime friend and if you want to call me a “Good Ol’ Boy,” I will wear the title with pride while I cast my vote for Oak Harbor’s future.

Jim Woessner

Oak Harbor