Treasurer needs to take responsibility | Letter

In response to Ms. Ana Maria Nuñez’s Oct. 1 letter to the editor, I am truly surprised by her lack of self-responsibility and tendency to always place blame.


In response to Ms. Ana Maria Nuñez’s Oct. 1 letter to the editor, I am truly surprised by her lack of self-responsibility and tendency to always place blame.

Just do the job, will you?

Ms. Nuñez is not responsive to her constituents — us — when in the office or while telecommuting, as she claims.

During the first half of the year, numerous errors occurred that caused many of us taxpayers to contact Ms. Nuñez. Ms. Nuñez amassed about 1,500 calls without bothering to listen to our requests or responding to any of us.

There were so many calls in her inbox that the county phone system was put in jeopardy and all calls were deleted as they were detrimental to the system operations.

I think we deserve better than this from our treasurer.

Earlier in the year, when an accounting error was exposed, Ms. Nuñez blamed the Assessor’s Office, once again refusing to shoulder any responsibility.

Placing blame is certainly a talent but not one that residents of Island County need from their treasurer.

I’m a Democrat and cannot support Ms. Nuñez for treasurer; she just isn’t doing her job.

Karen Shaak