Perhaps mustache on signs deserved | Letter

I read with amusement in the Aug. 6, 2014 Whidbey News-Times a letter bemoaning disrespect of our “much-loved” president.


I read with amusement in the Aug. 6, 2014 Whidbey News-Times a letter bemoaning disrespect of our “much-loved” president.

But how do we protest when our mail is read and answered by staffers for the president, our senators and representatives and they never see them?

Few papers print anti-Obama letters.

The writer does not like people drawing mustaches on the president who has a “pen and phone” to rule. I do not like people who burn the American flag, but both are protected under the First Amendment.

She has yet to figure out that the truth to President Barack Obama is anathema. One of his very first promises — which, of course, he broke — was that his administration’s touchstones were transparency and the rule of law.

The opposite is true. His list of prevarications are seamless while a litany of scandals are swept under the rug.

The IRS is now auditing churches, not mosques, for political speech. Obama does not lift a finger to protect Christians in Asia and Africa who are being slaughtered,  crucified and beheaded, nor will he take 10 minutes to call the president of Mexico to release a Marine who has been in jail for months, although he insists “no man will be left behind.”

Finally, our “much-loved” president has issued through the secretary of defense “rules of engagement” that have favored the enemy and have accounted for the blood of thousands of American servicemen and women killed and wounded.

Perhaps the mustache is, at least, a little deserved.

Bill Schoonover

Oak Harbor