Dudley in no position to be casting stones | Letter

I would like to address something specific within the article regarding county leaders calling for the resignation of Island Transit Executive Director Martha Rose and others pursuant to the recent discovery of financial mismanagement at the agency.


I would like to address something specific within the article regarding county leaders calling for the resignation of Island Transit Executive Director Martha Rose and others pursuant to the recent discovery of financial mismanagement at the agency.

I am referring to that which was attributed to Oak Harbor Mayor Scott Dudley.

According to the article, Dudley said, “I’m all about accountability” and stated that he would resign under similar circumstances.

While it is inarguable that Rose’s accomplishments at Island Transit are quite laudable, inasmuch as the breach of public trust is indefensible, the best thing for Rose to do for Island Transit is to step down. Her continued presence will only serve to distract from and inhibit the process of recovering and moving forward from this matter.

However, that Dudley would expect anyone to believe that he is “all about accountability” is as laughable in its ludicrousness as it is vexatious in its hypocrisy.

Dudley’s claim, taking into account his rather storied record, is representative of what is becoming all too frequent from our elected leaders — forgetting that they are accountable to the voters, assuming that they know better than anyone else what is best for their constituents, and lastly, forgetting to take a long, hard look in the mirror prior to questioning — let alone publicly decrying — the behavior of others.

In failing to accept any accountability for his past transgressions and unilateral, closed-door decision making, arrogantly assuming he knows what is best, and for subsequently judging others for the very behavior and traits that he is wont to display, all Dudley has accomplished by weighing in on the matter is to portray an air of hypocrisy and advertise that his claim to accountability is little more than lip service.

Richard Johnston

Douglas, Ariz.