Parks harmed by pet programs

Regarding the Dec. 24 letter to the editor, “Republican fallout decimates parks,” Mr. Virtel appears to be another of those liberals who will not look at facts. The housing mess and collapse was not originated by Republicans but goes back to the Democratic Carter administration. Officials egged on by left wing activists accused mortgage lenders of racism and redlining because blacks were being denied mortgages at a higher rate than whites. Congress proposed the Community Reinvestment Act empowering regulators to punish banks that failed to meet the credit needs of low income, minority and distressed neighborhoods. Under the Democratic Clinton administration the federal government put massive pressure on banks to grant more mortgages to the poor and minorities and threatened lawsuits for noncompliance. The Republican Bush administration proposed much tighter regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac and Democrat Barney Frank complained that the administration was more concerned about financial safety than about housing.

Regarding the Dec. 24 letter to the editor, “Republican fallout decimates parks,” Mr. Virtel appears to be another of those liberals who will not look at facts.

The housing mess and collapse was not originated by Republicans but goes back to the  Democratic Carter administration. Officials egged on by left wing activists accused mortgage lenders of racism and redlining because blacks were being denied mortgages at a higher rate than whites. Congress proposed the Community Reinvestment Act empowering regulators to punish banks that failed to meet the credit needs of low income, minority and distressed neighborhoods. Under the Democratic Clinton administration the federal government put massive pressure on banks to grant more mortgages to the poor and minorities and threatened lawsuits for noncompliance. The Republican Bush administration proposed much tighter regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac and Democrat Barney Frank complained that the administration was more concerned about financial safety than about housing.

Critics continually blame Bush for the entire problem when the mess was created by Congress. Yet Barney Frank declared, “The private sector got us into this mess.” The Republicans in the House have continually sent forth proposed legislation to the Senate only to have Democrat Harry Reid sit on it then have the president blame the Republicans for lack of action.

The Democrats have neither proposed nor passed a budget since the president took office. Their answer to all of America’s problems is to tax the wealthy so they can redistribute the tax money to more social programs and cronyism that we absolutely cannot afford.

Taxing the wealthy will not generate one job or make a difference in the debt. Under a Democratic administration the  state of Washington has social programs up to its ears and is completely reluctant to end any of them as it might cost some politicians votes. Neither Washington can do everything for everybody.

A line must be drawn some place. Yet state legislators are unable to cut or reduce any pet social programs so the money for the parks is on the chopping block because votes are not  involved. The Republicans are not to blame. They may have contributed but they are not in power at both the state and federal level.


Ed Hickey
Oak Harbor