Letter: South Whidbey should support school bond


With the exception of last spring, in 32 years, I’ve never known South Whidbey to not support a school bond vote. I’m baffled, what gives here?

In the early 1990s, a bond expanded the high school to accommodate an exploding enrollment.

In recent years our district has made great strides to deal with an enrollment heading in the other direction. We’ve closed some buildings, consolidated others but always managed to hold onto one impressive constant — a great educational and personal development for all students that walk through those doors.

As it says in the bond promotional literature:“We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to give kids and teachers a safe place to learn and work. Join us and support the future of South Whidbey.”

We’re all a part of a truly amazing and supportive community here on South Whidbey. I’m certainly onboard for supporting the carriers of that torch.

And while I have your ear, don’t forget the pool bond. That effort to add a public pool to our amazing community has percolated long enough. It’s time to add that accompanying sound of spontaneous laughter and life saving skills to our social fabric around here.

Dean Enell
