Letter: Security of this nation’s borders must be a priority


We have a very serious problem in our country created by politicians and supporters. Why does our president have to fight our Congress for the border security and safety of our own country? Why?

Without borders we are not a sovereign country but just a land mass, accessible to anyone and everyone the world over, who want to come here and get the free stuff without becoming citizens and contributing to our country’s economic prosperity and success. Democrat leaders vehemently oppose a border barrier that would stop much of the illegal inflow of people, drugs, human trafficking, criminals and gang members.

Why the strong opposition by Democrats?

They advertise their compassion and feelings for those illegals who seek a better life, and bestow upon them, after entering, more benefits and free stuff than ordinary American citizens receive. Again, Why?

Democrat leaders are ignoring our own needy and the security of our country and have no interest in preventing people from crossing our borders illegally. It is more important to deny our president a political victory and allow all those entering illegally who are potential Democrat voters and will want to keep the free stuff flowing.

Not one of the Democrat leaders has even visited the southern border to see for themselves the problems a barrier would resolve, but the president has, and some call it a manufactured crisis when news feeds and videos show otherwise.

Every person should be concerned about national security and massive caravan invasions of foreigners.

But it seems our president, charged by our Constitution for the safety and security of our country, has to go it alone. How sad our elected politicians are so set against the security of our country only for political gain and no other reason.

Ed Hickey

Oak Harbor