Don’t squander our own little bit of paradise | Letter

It has come to my attention that the Board of Island County Commissioners is considering a revision of the critical areas ordinance prohibiting the establishment of “through-put utilities” in “critical areas” in Island County that would allow such utilities to be established.


It has come to my attention that the Board of Island County Commissioners is considering a revision of the critical areas ordinance prohibiting the establishment of “through-put utilities” in “critical areas” in Island County that would allow such utilities to be established.

Considering the historic losses of critical area habitats throughout the greater Puget Sound area and particularly within Island County, I would be greatly disappointed and distressed if the prohibition of the construction of such utilities within Island County was to be vacated, thus removing the one certain impediment to the destruction and loss of critical area habitat we have managed to preserve until now.

May I remind you that a cornerstone of Island County’s economy is the attractiveness of its natural environment, scenic vistas and pastoral settings that draws thousands of tourists and permanent residents who contribute significantly to our county’s tax base.

It is the quality of life, all life, that is most appreciated by our residents and visitors. We should not squander the little bit of paradise we have left so that out-of-county and multinational energy companies can grow their profits at our expense.

Please continue the ban on “through-put utilities” and preserve our few remaining “critical areas” for the benefit of all of Island County communities and visitors.

Vern Pederson

Oak Harbor