County thanks its volunteers

National Volunteer Recognition Week is April 10 to 16 and Island County is pleased to join with others throughout the country in honoring the many volunteers who make a positive impact in our communities.

National Volunteer Recognition Week is April 10 to 16 and Island County is pleased to join with others throughout the country in honoring the many volunteers who make a positive impact in our communities. These local citizens contribute greatly to the rich fabric of our lives and make Island County such a desirable place to live, work and play.

Hundreds of community members volunteer their time and talents to many citizen committees advising the county commissioners in matters as varied as water resources, tourism promotion, affordable housing and community health. Dozens of other volunteer groups support county programs and include Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES), the Sheriff’s Citizens Patrol, the Senior Centers, Fair Association, Court Advocates, CASA, WAIF, FETCH, Adopt-a-Park groups, and the many WSU Extension sponsored programs. This is a small list of the dedicated and generous volunteers we appreciate this week.

Our islands are blessed with many local nonprofit organizations who depend upon charitable volunteer support to provide important services to our citizens such as the Red Cross, the local food banks, Hearts and Hammers and the volunteer firefighters just to mention a few. Their enormous efforts often go without adequate recognition.

The Island County Board of Commissioners appreciates the contribution of our local volunteers, and recognizes the significant positive difference they make to our society. They truly embody the spirit of our island communities.

Angie Homola
Chair, Board of Island County Commissioners