City should remember 9/11

I called the City of Oak Harbor Sept. 11 to find out if there would be a memorial service or a commemoration of this date. I was saddened to learn the answer was no.

I realize it has been a “whopping” eight years since the fateful day in 2001 (Pearl Harbor has been over 68 years). I must say that I am disappointed in the ambivalence of city administration about commemorating this date. I guess that people have just “moved on” with their lives. But as for me, I have not forgotten nor will I ever.

I remembered in my own way the 3,000 who were murdered on that day plus the 5,000 since that have died fighting (with several casualties right from right here in this town!), or the 35,000 wounded in the two ongoing wars, inspired one way or another by those tragic events.

Apparently the world is safe again, we are all back to normal and we can all just get on with our lives, just like nothing ever happened. Lame!

Remember, this is our country and these were our countrymen and we as a city should a least take the time to show respect for the loss and the sacrifice.

Jackie Meenan

Oak Harbor