Lessons from theft of campaign sign

I’d like to personally thank the vandals who tore down and stole my large “Gerry Oliver for City Council” sign on Heller Road. You had no concern for the work that my son and I put in to building something, or for the hard-earned dollars that members of our community pitched in to help me to purchase that sign.

Personally, I hope and expect that my supporters would never stoop to a level of such disrespect. If this pettiness is what Oak Harbor politics has come to, then you have only furthered my resolve to get involved and to stay involved so we can improve things.

Thank you vandals, because the requests from my supporters for their own signs has increased dramatically after your little stunt.

Thank you because I have learned something from this experience. You see, I believed my son learned something of value the day we toiled together to put up that sign and stood looking with pride at the result of our labor.  But the real lesson came later: the value of picking yourself up when something you worked for and believe in has been torn down.

Gerry Oliver

Oak Harbor