Be accountable for your own decisions | Letter

Recently I was exposed to an event that brought to mind the anti-OLF situation.


Recently I was exposed to an event that brought to mind the anti-OLF situation.

I have lived in Oak Harbor for 35 years. The Coupeville landing strip was in operation long before I arrived. I spent a few months looking for a place to purchase and build a house, or find one already constructed that met my desires.

Unlike some people, I considered many factors in my selection: noise, distance to my work, close to busy roadway. I had no children living at home, so schools were not a factor.

The heavy fog that at times hits the West side turned me away from some very nice places.

I looked, checked and double-checked.

Then we made our selection.

I was at the Oak Harbor Golf Club and noticed many homes next to the golfing area. I can picture some of the anti-OLF people purchasing a home here. Those golf balls could break a window in the house or vehicle. Maybe even hit my dog. Or the golf ball could land on my property and do no damage, but the golfer could come on to my property uninvited, chasing his wayward ball.

No golfer has the right to enter my property uninvited. Close down the golf course.

I must protect my children, dog, house and vehicle from damage. The golfer hit the ball that did the damage, therefore the damage was a result of an intended act.

Maybe, just maybe, we find a house that we like, but it is close to a church.

Those Sunday church bells wake me up. And the traffic jam all the cars of the church attendees create causes me a problem whenever I want to make a Sunday run to Safeway, or some other place of business.

They interrupt my sleep, then cause me a traffic problem in trying to conduct business authorized by the Constitution.

Close down the church, or move it away. I have a right to my peace and quiet.

I should not be held responsible for making a bad selection for my house or the location. I have my rights, but I should not be responsible for exercising those rights.

Someone else is responsible, not me.

Robert D. Brown

Oak Harbor