Democrats are ones that shouldn’t be trusted


I would like to add my comments to Rick Kiser’s excellent letter in the Jan. 3 Whidbey News-Times. Ever since the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, the Democrats have been nothing but obstructionists.

They have tunnel vision, only see their side of issues and an irrational hatred of Trump. They oppose or delay cabinet positions and highly qualified candidates for the U.S. Supreme Court and federal judgeships because of ideology, not knowledge and application of law.

They opposed and refused, 100 percent, to participate in the recent tax bill to help all Americans that just passed yet gripe about it.

They oppose deregulation, immigration reform, voter ID, the wall, restrictions on un-vetted refugees from violent countries, establish sanctuary cities to provide safe havens for illegals, hate fossil fuels, still think Democrat Obama was a great president and Hillary Clinton, with her record of serial lying, the entire email fiasco including destruction of 33,000 of them, a private server that was hacked, her pay for play as Secretary of State, and more, would be a wonderful president.

I follow the voting records of Rep. Rick Larsen, and Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell in the Sunday Seattle Times. Not once has any of them voted favorably on any meaningful legislation sponsored by Republicans, but consistently against, no matter how good it would be for the country.

They are in lockstep with the Democrat Party, not constituents. They place ideology and party loyalty a priority, not the well-being of the country.

They oppose President Trump’s efforts to make America great and attack him and his family on a daily basis.

They have labeled him a racist, bigot, liar, hates women and more, hoping something will stick so they can impeach him. Then there is the Democrat-originated Mueller/Russian collusion investigation that has found no evidence of it but it continues with no end date. You will never read or hear of any of President Trump’s accomplishments in the liberally-biased media. Based on their actions, are Democrats really the ones we want to trust leading our country?

Ed Hickey

Oak Harbor