Please just leave and let me retire in peace | Letter

Editor, What the heck is going on on this island? I have lived here 22 years. Jet noise is a way of life, so get over it.


What the heck is going on on this island?

I have lived here 22 years. Jet noise is a way of life, so get over it.

My life was saved more than once.

In 1969/70, the jets you see upon the arrival of our city flew close air support on our unit to allow me to live.

If people think this is an intrusion to their lifestyles, please just leave and retain your dignity.

The articles you present to garnish favor against the Navy only makes people realize how little you have contributed to life in this area. Just leave.

Please allow me retire without the chatter of fools.

Gary Ciminski

Oak Harbor

