Just protecting her good name

It’s not good enough that the people sent Murray and Larsen back to Washington after all the damage that has been done to this country. Adams is all of the sudden concerned with Mrs. Emerson’s lawsuit against Dean and others asking who is going to pay for it? If Dean and his gang did nothing wrong then that will be the end of it.

Regarding Ann Adams’ opinion (Whidbey News-Times Nov. 13) regarding GOP Kelly Emerson and Democrat John Dean:

It’s not good enough that the people sent Murray and Larsen back to Washington after all the damage that has been done to this country. Adams is all of the sudden concerned with Mrs. Emerson’s lawsuit against Dean and others asking who is going to pay for it? If Dean and his gang did nothing wrong then that will be the end of it. I am sure he can countersue Mrs. Emerson for damages.

There must be a good reason why Mrs. Emerson feels she must protect her good name. I doubt she would file a meaningless lawsuit for no reason. Obama orchestrated the near collapse of our entire economy and the complete division of all Americans. Our devalued dollar is at an all-time low and we’ve lost all respect from most other countries. Some are even ganging up on one of our states.

You’re concerned about who will pay for Emerson’s lawsuit? We really have much bigger fish to fry. A Republican gets elected and this concerns you enough to ask the commissioners if we can recall Emerson. You want to talk about the fox guarding the hen house. Look no further than Obama, Geithner, Larsen and Murray. But the people have spoken and it looks like the fox has won in this state. Give me a break.

William Ludlow

Oak Harbor