Who you vote for does matter

My wife and I travel somewhat and in our travels such as down Fort Nugent Road we see roads being repaired and new black top surface. Also as we drive through Oak Harbor we do see stimulus money being spent here on roads right through Main Street/Highway 20. Wow! A smooth ride right through town.

My wife and I travel somewhat and in our travels such as down Fort Nugent Road we see roads being repaired and new black top surface.

Also as we drive through Oak Harbor we do see stimulus money being spent here on roads right through Main Street/Highway 20. Wow! A smooth ride right through town.

In our travels recently we went over the North Cascade Highway 20 to Omak.

The bad roads that we traveled for years have now been repaired and are smooth as silk.

Democrats, Republicans and independents all use these roads. Thank you President Obama.

We do hope that this change is happening throughout the country.

Recently the President of the United States of America put forth a proposal to repair the infrastructure of this country.

All that I hear from the Republicans is wait, let’s talk this over, in other words: No, no, no!

How you vote does count for the betterment of this great country.

John Muszynski
Oak Harbor