Voicing concerns to our representatives helps | Letter to the Editor

We live in such a peaceful place with low persecuted people of faith in the U.S., even with the terrible crimes that we have. But, imagine waking up to a day-to-day, in fear of seeing your neighbors, friends, even families being killed, beheaded, tortured — women and children being raped and killed. For what? For just believing in the same God as we do, for not denouncing God and conforming to someone else’s beliefs.


We live in such a peaceful place with low persecuted people of faith in the U.S., even with the terrible crimes that we have.

But, imagine waking up to a day-to-day, in fear of seeing your neighbors, friends, even families being killed, beheaded, tortured — women and children being raped and killed.

For what? For just believing in the same God as we do, for not denouncing God and conforming to someone else’s beliefs.

Right now these inhumane crimes against innocent families in the Middle East, Syria and other countries are now happening even more than ever before.

Hundereds, even thousands, of innocent people are being slaughtered for their faith. And this terrorism seems to be ignored by our current administration and Congress.

I am not only heartbroken for our brothers and sisters in Christ’s name, but I am disappointed in our administration and Congress who represent the people of the U.S.

If we as the United States do not tolerate terrorism, then why is this getting worse?

Why are they ignoring these crimes?

I am asking that if you to have a heart, whether you are a Christian or not, and call Congress or our representatives to please do something about these inhumane acts of terrorism against innocent families in these Middle East countries.

And to keep these people in our hearts, to pray for them in these horrible times of persecution they live daily.

Please pray for these families. We know that when many people pray together it becomes powerful and miracles can happen.

Thank you and God Bless.

Don Parker

Oak Harbor