Treat everyone well, not just those we like | Letter

I commented to a friend, “I’ve come to the conclusion that most people with power in government, business, medicine and religion think that the rest of us exist for the purpose of being exploited by them.”


I commented to a friend, “I’ve come to the conclusion that most people with power in government, business, medicine and religion think that the rest of us exist for the purpose of being exploited by them.”

And if people suffer and die as a result of that exploitation, it’s perfectly all right because, as P.T. Barnum said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

My friend replied, “you have just described the entire history of the human race.”

I suggest that we can rewrite history.

God has promised his kingdom on Earth. We can hasten its arrival by obeying him.

The Golden Rule, “Treat others as you would be treated,” exists in all major religions.

Imagine how it would be if we obeyed his Rule toward everyone, not just those we like.

This is something each of us can do.

Caryl J. Fuller

Oak Harbor