There are many places, groups willing to help | Letter

I would like to reply to Jimmy Sloan’s letter published in the Dec. 3 edition of the Whidbey News-Times.


I would like to reply to Jimmy Sloan’s letter published in the Dec. 3 edition of the Whidbey News-Times.

What a wonderful opportunity, Mr. Sloan, for you to teach your daughter about charitable giving in a positive way in the community where she lives.

None of us like to be told what to do with our money, but there are times when we might think about how to use it wisely.

Yes, some of those on the street corners have also made decisions on how or how not to spend their money wisely. Others are there through circumstances beyond their control. We think by giving them the loose change or maybe more that it is kind. It could lead to harmful behavior or illness, and then our tax dollars are really put to work because police, firemen, jails, court dates, public defenders, EMTs, ambulances and the emergency rooms may need to be involved. Are we OK with our money spent in that manner?

I, for one, am not.

If we can use every opportunity out there to work together to offer services to those who choose to accept it, then we should.

I am not sure that giving money randomly to those on the street corner is the most efficient way to make good use of our money. Many Oak Harbor citizens, you included, may not be aware of the number of people out there who are trying to work together to provide shelter, food and other services through the schools, private and government agencies, and churches.

There is food and hot meals, help with rent and utilities, free clothing, and personal care items available to whoever needs or wants to partake of them. Many of these entities rely on the charitable giving of money and goods and help to provide these services. There is a North Whidbey Community Resource list available to anyone in need to help them to know where they can go for help.

Can we help everyone with every need they may have? The answer is “no,” but the more people who truly want to help and get involved, the more opportunities we have for offering assistance in many different ways.

Check with United Way on Pioneer. You can get a resource list from them and other ways to volunteer. You will then be able to know where you can take your daughter to expose her to some charitable giving and that the people of Oak Harbor really do care about those who live among us.

Who knows, you may want to get involved yourself.

Thank you for having a charitable heart.

Joann Hoover

Oak Harbor