Some research helps to bring perspective | Letter

Ed Hickey’s letter in the Sept. 27 Whidbey News-Times had some good points I’d agree with if I weren’t curious.


Ed Hickey’s letter in the Sept. 27 Whidbey News-Times had some good points I’d agree with if I weren’t curious.

Perspective always helps.

Curious about bills in the Senate, I found a bar chart showing House legislation unaddressed by the Senate for the past 20 years.

The chart is subject to interpretation, but I estimate an average of 345 at the end of each year’s Congressional session.

This year’s total is 352, or what’s called “business as usual.”

There’s not enough space here to look at each stalled bill.

The Working Families Flexibility Act passed the House with 220 Republican and three Democratic votes. Great for business, bad for workers, and President Barack Obama promised to veto it.

It made for a good soundbite when the GOP beat on it.

A bill’s title, if well-thought-out, is like a con man’s misdirection.

Walt Mistler
Oak Harbor