Predicted in 2009 that bus system would fall | Letter

I read Sandra Kuykendall’s letter and found it very informative. She has now stated for the record that Island Transit has studies in hand concerning bus fares.


I read Sandra Kuykendall’s letter and found it very informative. She has now stated for the record that Island Transit has studies in hand concerning bus fares.

In 2008, 2009 and 2010, I requested a copy of any studies conducted on the subject by Island Transit, and, needless to say, I am still waiting on them.

So if I am not assuming too much, I would think that she will produce the studies now and put the issue to rest permanently.

As far as the issue of the “rogue employee,” I would ask how one rogue employee was able to bring a government entity to such dire straits.

Martha Rose did not suggest that Barbara Savary took money but just did not do her job at paying bills. It makes one wonder how anyone with access to the bank account would not question Savary.

The board, as I stated before, received financial reports on outgoing bills and passed them with little fanfare. They did not question Rose on how much money was in the bank or investments when I attended the meetings.

Rose knows to the penny how much money she gets, and it is not for public knowledge. Kuykendall, when she was finance director, would also not produce any financial reports. If you ask too often, you were told to see Rose.

If you ask for incoming revenue, you will either be stonewalled or you will receive the comment that I received from Rose in, “Jim, you just do not understand finances.”

In 2009 I predicted at one of the last meetings I attended that at the rate Island Transit was spending and expanding off island, they would implode.

Current boardmembers Bob Clay and Helen Price Johnson were at that meeting.

So, Kuykendall, now that you are back on the payroll, I would think the public would be interested in comparing the financial records of 2008, the last year you were in charge of spending, with 2013.

This would be an eye-opener for anyone.

That should put all this bickering by anyone who has the audacity to question Island Transit, Rose and now you to rest.

The public must realize that no matter the outcome of this issue, Rose and the small, trusted inner-circle of current and former employees will be protected.

The ship might sink a little, but the lifeboat of the few will be deployed. Looks like a “Save Our System” campaign all over again, Kuykendall, if you cannot produce stonewall.

Jim Pace
Oak Harbor