Opponent has opted to make campaign ‘ugly’ | Letter

I believe a recent letter to the editor written by my opponent to the Whidbey News-Times distorts the truth for personal political gain rather than telling the whole story.


I believe a recent letter to the editor written by my opponent to the Whidbey News-Times distorts the truth for personal political gain rather than telling the whole story.

My opponent chose to pick a period in time to state there was a loss in an investment portfolio for Island County.

While there was a fair market value loss, it was not in the amount she stated, which was largely exaggerated. Her statements were also clearly a spin and not the whole truth.

The values of investments increase and decrease based on market conditions. It is the nature of investing. As anyone who is knowledgeable in investing is aware, when you purchase an investment, there are inherent risks involved, interest-rate risk being one of them.

I wonder if my opponent would also tell individuals to never invest in the stock market based on looking only at the years 2005-08.

People will say that you never lose money by putting it under the mattress. While that may be true, it’s not the whole truth because the opportunity to earn money was lost.

I could pick one or two of my best investments and tell you I got the highest returns ever. That may be true, but not the whole truth, because it does not look at all the investments.

Twisting the truth would go against everything I value.

The whole truth is that all investments I have made have met the guidelines of the Island County Investment Policy. All of them.

This policy sets the parameters under which funds are to be invested. All investments were suitable for the portfolio and earn a marketable rate of interest. Furthermore, the Board of Island County Commissioners has trusted, and rightly so, that every purchase met the guidelines of the investment policy.

My opponent states that, if there were a gain in the portfolio, I would be tooting my own horn.

There were fair market value gains in the portfolio during the previous two years, and I refrained from contacting the newspaper or announcing it on the radio.

That is not my way.

I was cautioned that this campaign could get “ugly.” It appears my opponent not only chose to get “ugly,” but also to resort to half truths, innuendos and outright lies to sway voters.

That appears to be her way.

The most important issue to me is that you can trust that your treasurer is telling you the whole truth. I have always been committed to that value.

I didn’t choose to run for office for glory or fame. Nor did I choose to seek another term to toot my own horn. That is not whom I am or whom I choose to be.

I chose to run because I know I have provided an environment wherein my staff and I have increased productivity via efficiencies created, decreased costs, provide exceptional customer service and are good stewards of the Island County’s funds entrusted to our care.

I love this job and I want to serve this community for four more years.

I humbly ask for your vote.

Ana María d Nuñez, CPA

Island County treasurer

Oak Harbor