Local support making difference for kids | Letters

On behalf of the Community Foundation for Coupeville Public Schools, I would like to express our enormous gratitude to the Coupeville businesses that were so generous this past year as participants in the Dine Out/Shop Out 4 Kids Program.


On behalf of the Community Foundation for Coupeville Public Schools, I would like to express our enormous gratitude to the Coupeville businesses that were so generous this past year as participants in the Dine Out/Shop Out 4 Kids Program.

These business donated portions of their proceeds on a chosen day to support CFCPS: Ciao!, The Honey Bear, Aqua, Front Street Grill, Christopher’s and Kapaw’s Ise Kreme. Thanks also to the Knead and Feed for hosting the May 1 dinner event.

Their sustaining participation helped the foundation award two, $1,000 scholarships to graduating seniors, as well as over $10,000 in mini grants to support a variety of enriching educational experiences like Career Day, Science Olympiad, Young Authors and fieldtrips to the Seattle Science Center, Washington State History Museum and Cornet Bay Environmental Center, just to name a few.

As they say, “It takes a village …,” and our “village” is very grateful for your support.

This summer, when you shop or dine at these businesses, be sure to say “Thank you!” We couldn’t do what we do for kids without them.

Mendy McLean-Stone, board member
Community Foundation for Coupeville Public Schools