Letter: Support the candidate who serves as a ‘voice of reason’


I want to compliment all who run for office as it is difficult with mass media sharing fiction, fact and other which can lead to so much being erroneously negatively personalized.

I am glad there are those willing to take the risk locally.

However, when reading the Oak Harbor School Board interviews, I know that the Oak Harbor School District is working hard at all levels to ensure an open, inclusive, well-publicized curriculum adoption process and budget supervision. There have been repeated calls for volunteers from all walks of life and representation to assist and give input at all levels, information is available at all stages, and it is a well-documented three-year process unless state-mandated immediacy on curriculum adoptions alone.

Check out district websites, communicate with those involved, be a part of it, but most of all attend any or all of the open meetings. I have not seen many at the meetings, which are open to all. I have not a clue where one of the candidates was coming from. I have seen this board’s openness first hand and know that it is available and in place working hard for Oak Harbor.

Having attended school board meetings, I have seen first-hand the important policy and budget work which is the board’s state law job description and the careful deliberation by the present school board members. They are each taking their responsibilities seriously and carefully with input from across the district and from many sources.

I whole heartedly recommend a vote for Jessica Aws for Oak Harbor School District School Board. She has been present at meetings, active, accessible to constituents, careful on budget issues, and she provided important perspectives and input on board work. She has been a voice of reason, representing us well.

Sue Karahalios

Oak Harbor