Letter: Flinstone car represents Oak Harbor history

Editor, Recently, Editor and Publisher Keven Graves questioned in his column why Oak Harbor has a Flintstone car. Maybe it is time for the paper to do a story on the history of the Flintstone Freeway and the car.


Recently, Editor and Publisher Keven Graves questioned in his column why Oak Harbor has a Flintstone car. Maybe it is time for the paper to do a story on the history of the Flintstone Freeway and the car.

Flintstone Freeway was created from nothing in the bay and Oak Harbor received permission from the creators of the Flintstones to use the name Flintstone Freeway.

It was later filled in, paved and renamed Bayshore Drive. For those of us here, since it was created it will always be Flintstone Freeway.

T.W. Johnson

Oak Harbor