Extending an invite to Auditor’s exit meeting | Letter

The state Auditor’s Office announced that there will be an exit meeting 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 24 to discuss the findings of their recent audit of Island Transit.


The state Auditor’s Office announced that there will be an exit meeting 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 24 to discuss the findings of their recent audit of Island Transit.

State law requires that three of the five commissioners attend this meeting in order to qualify as a public meeting.

If it isn’t too much trouble, may I ask that all Island Transit commissioners attend this meting? In particular, I would like to see Helen Price Johnson, Bob Clay and Jim Sundberg there.

If Jim Campbell can’t attend, could Scott Dudley attend as his alternate?

Sundberg, Campbell, Clay and Price Johnson may want to learn about the results of this audit as they were on the board during the year in question.

Thank you.

Chelle Brunke
