Ban fireworks inside the city permanently | Letters

Discharge of personal fireworks within the city limits should be banned for good. They serve no good purpose, only bad.


Discharge of personal fireworks within the city limits should be banned for good. They serve no good purpose, only bad.

Everyone is aware of the risk of fire and personal injury, which occur every year, and how the noise stresses out many of our pets.

For me, however, it just makes me very angry that one family, or handful of partiers, can legally and, sometimes, illegally disrupt my evenings for hours and days at a time.

I worry about my home catching fire. Every year there are discharged bottle rockets and even larger fireworks debris on my cedar roof and in my yard.

If the City of Oak Harbor wants to continue to legalize the use of fireworks, they should designate an area for their discharge, say the track at North Whidbey Middle School or playground at Crescent Harbor or Clover Valley elementary schools.

The fire department and an EMT unit could be on scene for emergencies. No one would attend this venue, except maybe families with small children, because it is not about the fireworks, it is all about  partying and annoying your neighbors.

Mark Malsom

Oak Harbor