Appreciates the art but not impatience | Letters

Asking the city to pay more because you do not want to wait is like me saying, “I will donate to you some free coffee and pastries if you will match donations for the cost of the supplies and energy to fix the treat.”


Thank you, Oak Harbor Art Commission for bringing art to our downtown area.

Thank you, city utility users, who fund the art pieces through the 0.25 percent tax on water, sewer and garbage.

Thank you, artist, for donating your sculpture.

Please, do not expect somebody else to pay for your generosity. Wait for the funds to be available, whether it is to purchase a piece or to bronze and install a piece.

Asking the city to pay more because you do not want to wait is like me saying, “I  will donate to you some free coffee and pastries if you will match donations for the cost of the supplies and energy to fix the treat.”

Laura Honeycutt

Oak Harbor