Agrees that public silence doesn’t help end the war | Letters

Editor, I would like to respond to the letter written by Dave DeMarsh from Logar Province, Afghanistan. You are so right about all of us keeping you there by our silence or our vote. Since we are not directly inconvenienced by the war, i.e. rationing or extra taxes, etc., we don’t suffer in the least bit and think about it less and less.


I would like to respond to the letter written by Dave DeMarsh from Logar Province, Afghanistan.

You are so right about all of us keeping you there by our silence or our vote. Since we are not directly inconvenienced by the war, i.e. rationing or extra taxes, etc., we don’t suffer in the least bit and think about it less and less.

We here in Oak Harbor, however, do get the right to complain about jet noise. Some of us feel so righteous when complaining — can’t hear the TV for goodness sake! My ears hurt!

It would benefit us all more if we, as citizens, complained about the trillions spent on war machinery and about the loss or crippling of our service people. And the way veterans are lost in the system when they return with mental issues? And the mis-guided invasions of foreign countries.

I don’t have to give up anything for this war, except some noise over my head once in a while. I can live with that at present.

But now the Navy will send more squadrons to Whidbey. The war departments want more, and more, and they will want more and more wars. It will never end. Follow the money trail.

Marilyn Dobbins

Oak Harbor