Disillusioned by the state of our country | Letter

My heart is breaking. I love my country, but I cannot love the state it is in. What is going on? Are we killing each other because we are not technically at war and most of our conflicts are carried out with drones? Are we really such a vicious species that we always need to have a target?


My heart is breaking. I love my country, but I cannot love the state it is in. What is going on? Are we killing each other because we are not technically at war and most of our conflicts are carried out with drones? Are we really such a vicious species that we always need to have a target?

As a recovering attorney, I studied the Constitution and know the freedoms promised therein.

Every so called right is always balanced by the needs of others and society. It is not lawful to yell “fire” in a theater and cause a stampede when there is no fire even though we have freedom of speech.

I hear people demanding their rights as if they are the only boats on the pond. For our country and democracy to function, we must all understand the needs of society. We no longer have civics in our school curriculums.

How can we expect society to understand our government when we don’t educate everyone?

We are approaching an election where many of the candidates do not even know what the Constitution provides. Most people are casting votes based on who will do the least damage rather who will serve our country well.

I wish I knew the solutions to the problems we face. I don’t, but I believe the solutions must start with love and empathy for each other.

Many of us, including me, wonder how we can individually affect such enormous problems.

Let’s start with our neighbors and love and assist each other. Each of us also can educate ourselves on our form of government so that we vote with informed choices.

I fear that if we don’t, we will lose what democracy we have left.

Christine Crowell
