Scaling back, I thought, meant cutting back, reducing in number or making smaller. Yet Kathy Jones was quoted in the Whidbey News-Times, June 4, as using those very words when describing the new and improved high school renovation.
Let’s see, two years ago the total bond for the high school, athletic facility and arts center was $57 million. Now, the high school renovation alone will be $64.7 million. The athletic facility is another $6.5 million, for a total of $71.2 million. Does that sound like scaling back?
In the seven school districts in which I have taught, it is very common for some high school teachers to share classrooms. In addition, this district has dropped 500 students in the past 5 years, with the possibility of loosing another 240 students next year. Adding more room makes no sense.
When some of us toured the high school a short while ago we were extremely impressed with the total facility and all the courses offered.
Joyce King
Oak Harbor