Parade lacked in all but politicians

I attended Oak Harbor High School from 2001 to 2005. I was born and raised here. Although I come back to visit periodically I haven’t been here for the Fourth of July. I decided I wanted to come specifically for that because they don’t celebrate the 4th like they do here and I missed it. I was looking forward to the parade, carnival, the street fair, etc.

I attended Oak Harbor High School from 2001 to 2005. I was born and raised here. Although I come back to visit periodically I haven’t been here for the Fourth of July. I decided I wanted to come specifically for that because they don’t celebrate the 4th like they do here and I missed it. I was looking forward to the parade, carnival, the street fair, etc.

I am highly disappointed in Oak Harbor. The parade was the worst one I have ever been to in my life, anywhere. This parade is supposed to be geared towards family fun, kids and local groups. It is supposed to be revolving around the people. There was a little of that, but mostly it was suppressed by the politicians. Where are the bands? There were only two. Where are the horses? There was only one set. Bag pipers? Only one man.

No youth cheerleaders or youth football — I remember when I was a youth cheerleader I looked forward to being in the parade and cheering in my uniform and being a part of something. Why can’t kids do that now? There were no gymnasts, clowns, singing or dancing. No church choir, no fire truck squirting the kids with water.

There was Rep. Rick Larsen. This man decided it was a good idea to hand out wooden yard stakes with his name on them to young children. That is a safety risk the woman next to me made a comment, “Oh my gosh! They could use those as swords!”

My point is all the exuberant spirit is gone. Community involvement is lower and the politics is ridiculous. The whole parade felt like all people involved were in politics, just with a different float to ride on.

Jamesa J. Woods
