Orca people visit Baja

Greenbank-based Orca Network is planning its third annual trip to San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja, Mexico, to visit the gray whales in one of their birthing lagoons, and learn about the amazing ecosystems of Baja’s Biosphere Reserve.

Greenbank-based Orca Network is planning its third annual trip to San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja, Mexico, to visit the gray whales in one of their birthing lagoons, and learn about the amazing ecosystems of Baja’s Biosphere Reserve.

“The trip, set for March 3-7, 2010, will raise much-needed funding for Orca Network’s Sighting Network and education programs, while providing an opportunity to watch and learn about the gray whales on the southern end of their migration, and experience the ‘friendly grays’ of Baja,” said co-founder Susan Berta in a news release.

The trip departs from San Diego March 3 and returns March 7. Cost of the trip is $2,385 (register by Sept. 15, 2009 and save $100) and includes transportation from San Diego to Campo Cortez, Baja, meals, lodging, and whale watching. Participants are responsible for flight to San Diego and lodging the nights before and after the trip. A portion of the trip fee is a tax-deductible contribution to Orca Network.

For more information, visit www.orcanetwork.org/news/2010bajatrip.html or, contact Orca Network at 360-678-3451.