Navy should go away now

I have one question in this series of incursions by the Navy on the rights of Whidbey Islanders over several decades: Whose island is it, anyway? From the despicable “takings” of valuable property, arbitrarily, by the Navy when these pirates first landed, to the constant efforts to commit new insults upon their peaceful enjoyment of their homes and property, as they see fit, when will this all end?

And where is your sense of outrage, natives? And this attempt to create “zones” around military bases is going on all over the country! Whatever happened to the BRAC process wherein NAS would be closed down?

You are destroying sea life with impunity with the unnecessary “training,” the noise and pollution of your flyboys are unwelcome, I say go away from this beautiful area, Navy, and never look back!

And Mr. MacDowell, you have a conflict of interest, please retire!

Janis Lentz

Oak Harbor