Education is worth the price

I was reading the Saturday Whidbey News-Times and felt compelled to respond to Skip Augle’s letter about the school levy and charging tuition. Here is my response:

Mr. Augle brings up some good points in his letter opposing the school levy that should be examined closely. The first is fear; fear that causes us to lump good and bad public expenses into one ugly monster that must be stopped. Such an attitude serves no one. Septic needs, fire and rescue services, the local bank, all represent community interests that should be considered individually based on merit, function and need. The different venues for raising funds, whether taxes, permit fees, or the lottery, are each legitimate avenues to fund programs that serve the public good.

Rage at taxes is as old as humanity; however, such rage will not bring clarity to understanding the school levy. For example, while it’s generally true that half my property taxes fund public education, the other half supports a myriad of services from libraries to mental health to parks and recreation. That’s not a bad distribution, as educating kids well is a good idea in any society. During 2007-2008, the Oak Harbor School District cut $4.5 million and 76 positions (trimming the fat) to keep costs down. How’s that for a pay cut?

I’ve lived all over the country, and if you’ve volunteered in our schools, you’ll find that we have good teachers and administrators working on a shoestring, training our kids for a future where they must compete in a global economy. Mr. Augle suggests charging tuition, essentially recommending a segregated, private school system for parents with means, excluding poorer families of our community. Public education is a moral good in a democratic society and part of our responsibility as citizens. Supporting levies 1 and 2 maximizes state matching funds, and for literally pennies on the dollar gives the students of Oak Harbor a competitive education that rivals some of the best in the state.

Mr. Augle is voting against the levies. Please keep him in the minority. We need to take care of our kids, and the future of this nation.

Philip King

Oak Harbor