Movie: Controversy produces faith

"The Passion of The Christ." I haven't seen the movie yet but I plan on viewing it. The harmonizing of the Gospels in the film should be interesting.

“The Passion of The Christ.” I haven’t seen the movie yet but I plan on viewing it. The harmonizing of the Gospels in the film should be interesting. Mel Gibson, the director, claims to have had a conversion experience and has spent $25 to $30 million of his personal fortune to bring this story to the big screen.

Some in the Jewish community are in fear of it. They fear it will create an atmosphere of anti-Semitism. I say they shouldn’t be afraid, it isn’t the Jews alone that put Christ on the cross, nor the Romans. It was all of us, the Christians whose sin needing forgiveness placed Him there.

Oh yes, the Sanhedrin conspired with the Romans manipulating the leadership and the masses to convict this man of innocence. And, there is no doubt that it was the Romans who hammered the nails and tore into His flesh, slamming the cross into place, upright exposed to the world.

Yet, the Word of God clearly tells us it is we, the recipients of forgiveness who caused this sacrifice on our behalf to be fulfilled. The sacrifice God required. We can all say it is “I” in whom the culpability rests.

The real truth here is, the gospel message causes controversy, it forces one to have to decide, to trust, to face the truth of faith or the lies of unbelief. And I enjoy the controversy, the dilemma, and the anger it produces. For it also brings out faith, hope, and love.

Pastor Rick Karjalainen
