Leftists lack humor, wisdom

Recently, there seems to be a spate of whiny letters from humorless individuals who spend their days looking for ways to be offended. It appears some are not happy until they are completely miserable.

Recently, there seems to be a spate of whiny letters from humorless individuals who spend their days looking for ways to be offended. It appears some are not happy until they are completely miserable.

I grew up on the streets of New York City. By the time I was 6, or even younger, I had learned that “sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt me,” or “I’m rubber, you’re glue, it bounces off me and sticks to you.” At an age where one should be gaining some wisdom, some will never attain it.

These are the sue-happy left who are offended by patriotism, religion, nuances and tea parties. If a conservative doesn’t like something, he avoids it. If a liberal doesn’t like something, he wants it banned. I am sure many of the constant complainers would find racism in how one eats Neapolitan ice cream.

Bill Schoonover

Oak Harbor