Jazz concert pays dividends

Thank you to everyone who came and supported the Coupeville High School Jazz Band Concert Jan. 25. You helped raise $1,176. Of that, $588 will go toward the Jazz Band to help on their Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival debut and the other $588 will go toward “AEDs for Coupeville Schools.”

I am very excited to say that with the money raised to date, you will be seeing an AED in the Coupeville School District real soon.

Thank you to all the supporters of this concert and local businesses who donated auction items: Red Apple, Sally’s Garden, Kristi Etzell with Tastefully Simple, Christopher’s, Mrs. Mitchells riding lessons, Island Pet Center, Ms. Barkers private music lesson, Albertson’s and Wal-Mart.

I would like to give an extra thank you to VideoVille for their unending support and thanks to the Boy Scouts from Troop 4053. They also worked hard helping the concert run smoothly.

Finally, I’d like to thank Ms. Barker and the Coupeville Jazz Band. Without them, this concert would have never happened.

Chris Bitting

Boy Scout Troop 4053