How to comment and rate stories on

There's a new commenting system on and it gives you a little more flexibility than before. Just like old times, you can comment on our stories to discuss and debate or to add your own follow-ups to our reporting. Your comments are connected to the profile you create, so you've always got a place where you can access all of them at once.

There’s a new commenting system on and it gives you a little more flexibility than before.

Just like old times, you can comment on our stories to discuss and debate or to add your own follow-ups to our reporting. Your comments are connected to the profile you create, so you’ve always got a place where you can access all of them at once.

In addition to a new comment engine, we’ve added a rating system for our stories, which you’ll find on every story page, just above the headline. You can rate stories on a five-star scale; our system will average out the ratings, so you can get a general idea of what people think of our coverage.

Head over to to sign up for an account and get started.