Community support: Help save Harbor Haven

I have been involved with Harbor Haven since it was just a concept. Often there are hidden treasures in a community which go unnoticed by most.

I have been involved with Harbor Haven since it was just a concept. Often there are hidden treasures in a community which go unnoticed by most. Harbor Haven is one such treasure that is currently at risk of being lost.Funding from a Gates grant has allowed this service to be offered to families at no cost. Studies show that crisis nurseries are the leading edge of prevention services. We are very fortunate to have such a service!

When we began, the type of stressful situations that we anticipated included families needing childcare for doctors appointments, hospitalizations, taking classes, parents feeling overwhelmed, job interviews, etc. Since that time, we have seen the number of children increase as well as the type of situations.

Today, we have parents experiencing loss of jobs, economic factors as the economy has changed, and the beginning of a war. These parents more than ever need to take a break, in order to be healthy and present for their children. Even as troops begin to come home, after long periods of being gone, our military families will continue to need our support. Harbor Haven can be there to offer husbands and wives to reconnect by affording them some time alone. Imagine the number of ways Harbor Haven can assist in families reconnecting! I hope you all read Sid Iverson’s letter relating Harbor Haven to concrete support to military spouses. Thanks, Sid.

The Gates grant is about to run out and future funding is uncertain. I’d like to ask my community to find it in their hearts to help Harbor Haven. We desperately need your donations to continue this most needed service. Feel free to call the fine staff at Harbor Haven & ask questions (1-800-518-8614), or send donations to the Child Abuse Prevention Foundation, PO Box 623, Coupeville, Wa. 98239.

Cindy McDougall
