City asked to reduce water use

Anacortes Water Treatment Plant officials are asking the residents of Oak Harbor to cut back their water use by 10 percent due to the low water level of the Skagit River.

Anacortes Water Treatment Plant officials are asking the residents of Oak Harbor to cut back their water use by 10 percent due to the low water level of the Skagit River.

The river is at less than 10 feet, which is the basis for a Stage 1 water conservation implementation. Stage 1 is voluntary conservation with the potential for a future drought. Stage 2 is mandatory conservation.

The city of Oak Harbor has put conservation measures in place at city parks and facilities and have asked larger water customers such as the school district, Deception Pass State Park and Whidbey Island Naval Air Station to do the same.

Environmental educator Maribeth Crandell suggests these methods for easily reducing water use: take five minute showers, only run full loads in the dishwasher or washing machine, only water plants at dawn or dusk, use rain barrels for outdoor watering, fix leaks as soon as possible and reduce toilet flushes.

Currently the water department is offering to do free home or business water audits. For more information and tips contact the city of Oak Harbor at 279-4500 or access the web page