Child never had any problem at ballfield during Navy flight | Letter

Editor, My letter is in reference to the statements made by Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve on its website, which were also published on the Whidbey News-Times website on May 10. The comments refer to a supposed incident at a T-ball game on May 7 at Rhododendron Park in Coupeville.


My letter is in reference to the statements made by Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve on its website, which were also published on the Whidbey News-Times website on May 10.

The comments refer to a supposed incident at a T-ball game on May 7 at Rhododendron Park in Coupeville.

Per COER’s website, “This past Wednesday – the Navy flew unscheduled Growler FCLP’s at OLF and as a consequence flew right over young children playing T-ball at a park located near OLF.

The game was canceled because the children fell to the ground holding their ears.

The mother of a 5-year old who was there told me her son held his ears and said – ‘Mommy, my ears are breaking.’”

Where did this information come from?

The Internet is an amazing thing. One can go to the Central Whidbey Little League website and see that on the day in question there was no T-ball game.

Just a minors’ baseball and softball game and, last time I checked, 5-year-olds didn’t play minors’ ball.

My kids have played baseball for years at Rhododendron Park and I’ve never once seen a child fall to the ground grasping their ears.

I’ve always believed that everyone is entitled to their opinion even if I don’t agree with it, but the one thing I cannot stand is distorting facts to try and better one’s cause.

John Adams said it best: “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

Matthew Thurston
