Disturbed to discover a dead cat on beach | Letter

Editor, On Saturday, May 31, my husband, myself and mother-in-law attended the WAIF charity fundraiser in Langley. The event was good fun, a worthwhile cause and we won an auction to put our cat in their 2015 calendar as Miss January.


On Saturday, May 31, my husband, myself and mother-in-law attended the WAIF charity fundraiser in Langley.

The event was good fun, a worthwhile cause and we won an auction to put our cat in their 2015 calendar as Miss January.

Don’t forget to rush out and buy a copy; it’s for a great cause.

Sadly, on the day after WAIF’s charity event, we made a horrifying discovery on the low tide line across from Si’s corner. The sun had finally started to burn through, the tide was way out and, because I am so short, I was able to see underneath the Madrona trees, across the bay. There was a small red box lying on the exposed mussel beds.

My husband climbed down the rocks and inside the box was the body of what we assumed to be a dog. We believe the animal was hurled into the bay and drowned.

Police officer Tony Slowik, thank you for coming to assist with the disposal and for the follow-up call informing us that the distorted little body was that of a cat.

Whoever did this, I hope you rot with Beelzebub. I cannot find my Christian forgiveness. You are one step away from becoming a serial killer. Animal cruelty is always a sign of a weak and savage mind.

I edited my own opinion, thus the Whidbey News-Times does not have to.

But, you are a worthless waste of life that masquerades as a human being.

WAIF, I am so glad for the fundraiser’s success, hopefully we can eliminate this kind of cruelty.

Ali Fischer

Oak Harbor