Mean Girls reference needs reconsideration | Letter

Editor, How about coming up with a different name than “Mean Girls” for the website mentioned in your column? You describe the “Mean Girls” blog as a group of “mostly middle-aged men” who attack those who disagree with them.



How about coming up with a different name than “Mean Girls” for the website mentioned in your column? You describe the “Mean Girls” blog as a group of “mostly middle-aged men” who attack those who disagree with them.

The label, though, implies that women are doing so and thus seems to me both inaccurate and gratuitously nasty to women.

How about “Attack Mode Letters” or, in the case of anonymous ones, “Letters so Mean Even the Writer Won’t Claim Them?”

Thanks for rethinking this.

Susan Johnson


Editor’s note: In a response to Susan Johnson, I explained the reference to “Mean Girls” stems from a popular 2004 movie of the same name.