A fresh voice on the council

I’m writing in support of Tara Hizon and her campaign for Oak Harbor City Council as I believe that she will bring energy, competence and a fresh voice to our community. An important measure of the potential for success in leadership is the willingness to become involved in school and community activities.

I’m writing in support of Tara Hizon and her campaign for Oak Harbor City Council as I believe that she will bring energy, competence and a fresh voice to our community. An important measure of the potential for success in leadership is the willingness to become involved in school and community activities.

Throughout the last year, Ms. Hizon has invested her time in the Oak Harbor High School Choir program and has become a role model for many girls in my Women’s Choir. While providing support both on and off stage, she instills the belief that education is a vital process for life-long learning and the right and responsibility of every young person.

I believe this kind of commitment to youth is necessary for cultivating a thriving and successful community.

Darren McCoy
Oak Harbor High School
Choir Director