United Way donations down

Our United Way of Island County Campaign is well under way and will last through mid November. I cannot tell you how important it is to increase our contributions in this day and age. Overall contributions are down locally and nationally. Demand on the agencies we support is up. The recession continues to have greater impact on those resources. Island County demand is increasing as evidenced by increased calls to 211.

Our United Way of Island County Campaign is well under way and will last through mid November. I cannot tell you how important it is to increase our contributions in this day and age. Overall contributions are down locally and nationally. Demand on the agencies we support is up. The recession continues to have greater impact on those resources. Island County demand is increasing as evidenced by increased calls to 211.

In light of these facts I solicit your support in timely publication of this letter and any other support you deem appropriate.

Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Tom Sundown

Campaign chair