Severns hard working, best choice for mayor | Letter

We’re asking for your vote and support for Bob Severns as the next mayor of Oak Harbor.


We’re asking for your vote and support for Bob Severns as the next mayor of Oak Harbor.

Bob is the most qualified, with his education in business and successful management career right here in Oak Harbor, but that is not the real reason. Bob has more experience in leading and directing successful companies, but that is not the real reason.

The real reason Bob deserves our support is that he has volunteered and continues to volunteer hours and hours of his time to help others.

Whether the event is for Rotary, chamber of commerce, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boys and Girls Club, the marathon, Downtown Merchants, Main Street, Music Festival, the hydroplane races and the list goes on that Bob supports not only by volunteering but when it is time to support financially you can always count on Bob.

Bob has made Oak Harbor better.

During this last fire season you may remember the water and supplies collected and delivered to the firefighters in Republic, Wash. Several people worked hard to make that happen, and Bob was right there helping his wife, Rhonda, who worked most of the three full days spent in that effort.

Is Bob the most qualified? Yes. Is Bob the hardest working volunteer? No question! Join us in supporting Bob for mayor.

Greg and Ann Abrahamse

Oak Harbor