Library can do more with space

As a Greenbank teacher, parent, and author, I’m so grateful to have the Coupeville Library as an area resource. It provides numerous services including Internet access, book searches (even beyond their catalog), and support for the kids and teachers in our small school district.

As a Greenbank teacher, parent, and author, I’m so grateful to have the Coupeville Library as an area resource. It provides numerous services including Internet access, book searches (even beyond their catalog), and support for the kids and teachers in our small school district.

Our library has grown out of its space. In addition to needing more room for books, reading, and computer access, the library needs space to offer programs and opportunities that cannot currently be considered. As an author and writing teacher who lives in the area, I’ve often wished the Coupeville Library could offer workshops or programs like ones I’ve attended and presented in other libraries. Our library staff supports the dreams of so many people, but there’s only so much they can do without the space.

When I was a school librarian in Oak Harbor, the school libraries were funded well because Superintendent Rick Schulte understood that when times are tough, you put the money where it does the most good. The volunteers promoting Coupeville Library’s expansion have come up with a reasonable request. Their planned improvements support the needs of our community. Money for our library gives us all increased ability to access information and to enjoy literature. In these times, updating our library is a good way to stretch our dollars and to provide hope for the future of our community.

Please support the Coupeville Library! Vote Yes Twice by Aug. 19.

Deb Lund
