Letter: Island Transit funded by sales tax increase


Regarding David Flomerfelt’s Aug. 2 letter, “Island Transit rides are not actually free.”

Mr. Flomerfelt clearly didn’t do his research, or he’d know that “we the people” voted to create Island Transit and fund it with a 0.9 percent sales tax increase (less than one penny per sales tax dollar).

And yes Mr. Flomerfelt, we adults already know that few things in life are “free” – that we do pay for our roads, law enforcement, transit and we even pay for our local schools and our “rural” community hospital!

In his letter, Mr. Flomerfelt also said that Island Transit is “similar” to our state’s “carbon (fuel) tax”? Are they similar because they are both taxes, or because buses run on fuel, or …?

I invite Dave to see for himself how his tax dollars are being used: For less than the sales tax on his next Happy Meal, he can hop on an Island Transit bus, the wheels will go ‘round and ‘round, and he can get off at the Clinton ferry dock.

Then, he can walk on the big ferry boat, take it across the great big sea, and get off in America – just like the big kids, and the Boeing workers do.

Be forewarned Mr. Flomerfelt, Washington State Ferries will charge you to return to our fair island. But once you are back here you can catch another ‘free’ bus, and you can whine and go wee wee wee all the way home.

David Freed
